I had just returned from my youngest grandson's first communication when I learned of Barb's passing. Consequently it has been a day of emotional extremes. Barb and Bob had been together since our Start days. My heart goes out to Bob and his family.
wow......Im shocked, and grieved at Barb's passing..The whole Bunting Family were teriffic people. I even knew Mike, along with Pat and Barb...What an absolutely beautiful picture of her, in her OBIT write up....
Thank you, Start High/Gary M~~ for letting all of us know :)
Mark Cramer
I had just returned from my youngest grandson's first communication when I learned of Barb's passing. Consequently it has been a day of emotional extremes. Barb and Bob had been together since our Start days. My heart goes out to Bob and his family.
Sandra Bracey (Belliveau)
wow......Im shocked, and grieved at Barb's passing..The whole Bunting Family were teriffic people. I even knew Mike, along with Pat and Barb...What an absolutely beautiful picture of her, in her OBIT write up....
Thank you, Start High/Gary M~~ for letting all of us know :)
Rest in peace, Barb :) Sandi Bracey Belliveau