In Memory

Barbara Bunting (Jordan) VIEW PROFILE

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04/24/16 04:28 PM #1    

Mark Cramer

I had just returned from my youngest grandson's first communication when I learned of Barb's passing. Consequently it has been a day of emotional extremes. Barb and Bob had been together since our Start days. My heart goes out to Bob and his family.

04/24/16 04:29 PM #2    

Sandra Bracey (Belliveau)


wow......Im shocked, and grieved at Barb's passing..The whole Bunting Family were teriffic people. I even knew Mike, along with Pat and Barb...What an absolutely beautiful picture of her, in her OBIT write up....

Thank you, Start High/Gary M~~ for letting all of us know :)

Rest in peace, Barb :) Sandi Bracey Belliveau

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