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09/10/24 06:16 PM #4570    

Joseph Goodell

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes especially Joe H. And Kim W

09/12/24 09:21 AM #4571    


Gary Kupper

Thank you all for the birthday wish. As usual I am a little slow with my response. In the middle of moving back to Ohio

09/13/24 07:19 AM #4572    


Janis Fought (Brown)

Thanks, Kim, for calling me during yesterday's Fundango! So good to hear everyone's voices. You all brought cheer on a very rainy day here in Tallahassee. 

09/13/24 10:31 AM #4573    

Kim Wening (Maros)

Miss You!

09/15/24 03:14 PM #4574    

Marge Updegraff (Mendeljian)

Thank you Skip and Lynn for hosting the September Fundango at your beautiful home.

We all had a wonderful time!

Hopefully I will be able to post the pictures soon. I am having an issue with the Image Source URL missing. I will contact our website administrator on Monday.

09/16/24 02:50 PM #4575    

Francis Bialecki

Hey all just wanted to let you know that I had more medical problems over the last 3 months. I had to have my right foot amputated 1 week ago because of no blood flow to my right foot. I am in rehab now at Flower Hospital trying to heal and build strength in my left leg and learn to to do things with no feet until I get a prosthesis for my left leg. I will keep you posted on my recovery. Hope everyone is doing good.

09/19/24 04:05 PM #4576    


Nancy Wolff (Szymanski)

Frank Bialecki - you certainly have had your share of health issues & I hope you on now on the mend.  Please take care.  Thoughts & prayers are with you

09/20/24 03:31 PM #4577    

Francis Bialecki

I want to thank Pam Galbraith Hudson and Kathy Storm for visiting me today at Flower Hosp Rehab. Was nice to see their smiling faces. Thanks to everyone who sent me messages with their thoughts and prayers means a lot to me. Also thanks to Joe Hajduk for giving me a call to see how I was doing. So far rehab is going well, I will be going home an the 28th of Sept. and will continue rehab at home until I heal and receive a prosthesis for my right leg. Hope everone is doing well and I will try to make it to a Fandango when I get better. Take care everyone!

09/20/24 10:10 PM #4578    

Janet Kazmierski (Fiedler)

Frank, So sorry you are going through all these health issues.  Keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery!  

09/21/24 06:31 PM #4579    


Richard Burr


So sorry to hear about your medical issue, Frankie. Praying for you and wishing you a successful rehabilitation. 



09/25/24 03:51 PM #4580    


Janis Fought (Brown)

It appears that Tallahassee will get a direct hit from Cat 3 Hurricane Helene. We have not had a direct hit since 1985 Kate. We expect catastrophic wind and rain. (The only good news is that we are not the coast where surges up to 18 feet are expected. That’s enough to cover the barrier islands with several feet of water and destroy the houses in its path.)

Winds will be 111 to 130 MPH, enough to damage or fell trees as well as blow just about anything down. She is quite large so it will rain about 200 miles from the eye.

We are as ready as we can be. Please send your prayers/positive thoughts this way as we will need all that we can get.

09/25/24 04:18 PM #4581    

Marge Updegraff (Mendeljian)







Ed Kanarowski, Paul (Jackie Hanna's husband), Lynn (Skip Aston's wife), Danny Thomas

Gerry Johnson, Cathy Burcewicz, Chip Carstensen

Kathy Storm & her friend JP

Cathy Burcewicz, Gerry Johnson, Chip Carstensen, Dave Dugai, Kim Wening

Joe & Janie Hajduk

Lynn (Skip's wife) Janie & Joe Hajduk, Gerry Johnson

Cheryl Miller, Jackie Hanna,Skip Aston, Kathy Storm, Kim Wening,

Joan Radebaugh

Marge Updegraff & husband Chuck

Jackie Hanna and husband Paul

Lynn (Skip's wife) Gerry Johnson, Cathy Burcewicz, Pam Galbraith

Joan Radebaugh, Skip Aston, Cheryl Miller & husband Jack

Kathy Storm & friend JP

Skip & Lynn Aston's puppy

Joe Hajduk & Skip Aston

Kim Wening & husband Joe

Skip Aston

Kathy Storm & friend JP



09/25/24 06:06 PM #4582    

Jackie Hanna (Link)

Great pictures Marge.
Thank you Skip and Lynn for your generous hospitality.

09/26/24 07:14 PM #4583    

Dave Dunmead

Janis: our thoughts and prayers are with you, family and all in the path of this hurricane. Hoping for the best for all! Dave and Sue

09/27/24 07:45 AM #4584    

Manuel Chambers

Great pictures looks like everyone had a great time

09/27/24 07:51 AM #4585    


Janis Fought (Brown)

All is well. Didn't lose power. Helene did what forecaster call a wobble and went slightly east to Taylor County. Poor folks--that's the third one in a year for them. So we did dodge a huge bullet. Some damage around town but not as much as expected. Now we wait for the next one!

10/09/24 07:49 PM #4586    

Marge Updegraff (Mendeljian)

Prayers for our families and friends in Florida.

10/10/24 08:26 AM #4587    

Marcia Kelso (Wilkinson)

Lots of prayers for those who suffered through Helene and then were hit again by Milton.  I'm glad that more people got out to a safer place, and can get back to their homes and at least salvage some of their precious possessions.  If not I ask that the Lord be with everyone that they will get the help they need, rebuild, and get their lives back in order.  Peace!

10/10/24 03:59 PM #4588    


Nancy Wolff (Szymanski)

To all of our classmates living in Florida or wintering in Florida as well as those with families in Florida, I pray that everyone is safe.  Things can be replaced but lives cannot.  Hey classmates - let us know you're ok please!  Thoughts & prayers are with you!

10/10/24 05:04 PM #4589    


Richard Burr

Here in Melbourne, Florida, we made it thru hurricane Milton!  Minimal damage to house and yard, usual tree limbs and such.  No roof damage or fence damage.  Lots of water from rain, about 14" over 2 days, 8" just last night.  Sustained winds of 70+, gusts to 85 during the night as Milton moved over Florida from west to northeast, so very unusual for hurricanes!! Tampa, Orlando and Daytona Beach need lots of help, not to mention many, many other smaller towns. 

10/11/24 08:30 AM #4590    

Marcia Kelso (Wilkinson)

We must also keep in our prayers those who were hit by Helene in the states of Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee.  I think they got the brunt of that hurricane a couple of weeks ago.  I pray that everyone is safe and hopefully getting back to their homes and getting their lives in order with communication devices, electricity, clean water and whatever they need.  They're going to need a lot of help, and thank God for all the first responders and volunteers that are there to help.

10/11/24 01:24 PM #4591    

Kim Wening (Maros)

Our prayers are with all people in the hurricane areas.  Samartans purse is a wonderful charity. Kim

10/12/24 04:07 PM #4592    

Marge Updegraff (Mendeljian)

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day and evening!

10/12/24 08:17 PM #4593    


Greg Holewinski

Thanks to all of my fellow Spartans for all of your birthday wishes.

10/16/24 02:11 PM #4594    


Kathy Storm (Wenninger)

October Fundango is Tuesday the 29th at 3:30.  Quimby's Food & Spirits. 3536 W Sterns rd, near Secor  rd.  Lambertville, MI.  We are in the banquet room.  Please come out to celebrate October and saying goodbye to the Spartan snow birds. Hope to see many Spartans on the 29th.

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