In Memory

William Mathison

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12/02/20 12:15 AM #1    

Francis Bialecki

I knew Bill fom some classes we were in together and he would get me to cut up with him and get everyone laughing before class. May you Rest in Peace.

12/02/20 12:14 PM #2    

Pam Galbraith (Hudson)

My brain is a bit foggy on the details of this story about Bill Mathison, but I believe it  took place in Mr. Apgar's world history ? class. Linda Gray and I had some sort of a project that we teamed up on. After working on the report we used a cupcake recipe from the country as part of our project. Linda and I had  baked together after school to make the cupcakes at my house. That evening Greg Holewinski and I think, Kurt Ehrhardt stopped by.

My mom had some artificial grapes and other fruit sitting on the table. The boys slipped a grape in one of the cupcakes... I never knew it. When Linda and I served those cupcakes the next day in class, Bill bit into his cupcake and found a artificial grape, everyone broke into laughter ( even Mr. Apgar). Bill laughed just as much as everyone else...such a good sport!!!!  So sorry to hear he had health issues for a while and now has passed away. 

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