In Memory

Mark Schaber

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01/31/12 10:50 PM #1    

Martin Schaber

Mark, was my older brother, by fifteen months.  He died, four weeks after open-heart surgery .  He  and I both had the operation a day apart at  St.V's ', in January, 2004.  It was my second procegure, had an aortic valve replaced  in 1984.  The next time had the full cabbage and another valve.  Mark left  four daughters, and a second wife.  He  was the owner, operator of "SCHABER'S SPORTS BAR" in Waterville ,Ohio, and sold the bar shortly before his dealth.  Although, over a year older than I , we both graduated in 1968.  We grew-up on  Wallwerth Dr. by Jackman and Sylvania Ave.  and went to Longfellow Grade School.    I miss him!       Marty

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