Roy C. Start High School
Class Of 1968
Residing In: | Tallahassee, FL USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Single |
Occupation: | Retired |
Children: | Two greyhound boys, Obi and Kafi. |
I moved back to Tallahassee in October 2022. I truly home now for good.
I moved back to the Toledo area in February '09 from Tallahassee to be closer to my brother and family. What an adjustment after 34 years away! Since moving away in January of 1975, I have lived mostly in the South (Arkansas, West Virginia, DC, Florida) and (for better or worse) am pretty much a southerner. I was married for six years (no children) and have been divorced since 1981. Came close a couple of times since but fate intervened in one form or another. Guess I took the hint so now I am happily single. In spite of some setbacks, life has been good to me and I have had some amazing experiences and met some incredible people along the way.
During our sophomore year a bunch of us got mono from eating each other's lunches (among other causes). I thought it was THE social curse and was mortified that I had "the kissing disease." I loved high school. The activities, cheerleading, Riqueza--all are good memories.
JANIS' Latest Interactions
Posted on: Jan 12, 2024 at 8:50 AM
Of course I mean Joe. Gosh my fingers are not behaving.
The boys are as challenging as ever but a whole lot of fun. Hugs to you and Hoe!
Posted on: Jan 11, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Joan, I couldn’t find contact information for you anywhere else so please forgive my delay is saying thank you for the thoughtful card and the wonderful greyhound pin. The loss of my brother leaves a huge hole in my heart but the positive thoughts of friends has really helped.
I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I lost my brother (SHS Class of 70) in February. My heart is with you.
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Posted on: Jan 11, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Hi Janis this Manuel Chambers. Pat Gilbert wanted me to get a hold of you could you email me at omegaman3721@aol.com It is about honoring all who served in our class. I don’t know exactly how I got involved but now that I am, is there any chance you and the great crew planning the reunion could possibly make this happen. I know that there is a lot of effort going into this reunion and a lot of time is invoked. I told Pat that I would contact you to see if there was anything I could from down here. Also told him I wasn’t sure if I could attend. We have prior important family commitments at same time. Still trying to work everything out
Hope you and Ric are planning to attend the 50th reunion!
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