Roy C. Start High School
Class Of 1968
Residing In: | Ann Arbor, MI USA |
Occupation: | retired |
Interested in sustainability, community and conservation. Designed and began building a passive-solar straw bale cabin at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. Due to the crash of 2008, sold the half-built cabin to someone who could afford to complete it. The cabin is now complete and is an example of sustainable living space.
Now living in a cohousing community near Ann Arbor. ("Now" photo is of that community in 2015. I am in upper left.) A member of the Threshold Singers of Ann Arbor. Threshold Singers sing at the bedsides of those who are dying or in need of support, such as the critically ill.
Removing invasive species from our woods. These include dame's rocket, garlic mustard and Akebia. The first two are done in spring. Akebia is a year-round effort. Please do not plant Akebia (aka "chocolate vine," but NOT chocolate). Stiil sold in stores, it takes over and is very hard to control.
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